We value the safety and wellbeing of our community. North Haven Pharmacy is a participant of the NSW Needle and Syringe Program (NSP). We provide a Fitpack needles exchange to help reduce the transmission of infections including HIV and Hepatitis C.
Fitpack is a small, compact ‘anonymous’ container that holds a clean supply of hypodermic syringes that we exchange for used needles. When you need to dispose of used syringes, bring your needles to our Camden Haven chemist and we’ll provide a clean supply of hypodermic needles that’s free of charge. Alternatively, we stock clean hypodermic needles for a small standard fee.
We supply a range of drug-injecting equipment including 3, 5, 10 or 20ml syringes and cotton swabs. Our pharmacists will also be available to provide educational materials and information on drug use, injecting safely and treatment services. To enquire about our Fitpack needles exchange program, call us at North Haven Pharmacy today.
What is the Needle & Syringe Program?
The Needle & Syringe Program is an evidence-based public health program that’s aimed at reducing the transmission of blood borne viruses among people who inject drugs. This program is fully funded by the NSW Ministry of Health is part of the NSW Government’s approach to prevention and early intervention of keeping people out of hospital. At North Haven Pharmacy, we provide easy and confidential access to clean hypodermic needles. Our goal is to minimise harm caused by injecting unsterile needles and reducing the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis C.
Our friendly team understands the significance of our role in protecting the Camden Haven community from infectious viruses. We provide safe needle disposal methods and clean hypodermic needles for customers who use sharps. If you need to exchange used needles for clean ones, call us at North Haven Pharmacy today.
Does the NSP work?
It appears the NSP has limited the injection-related transmission of HIV to a low level, and we’re optimistic this reduction in transmission rates will continue. Australia takes the spread of HIV seriously and that’s why we aim to keep the infection rate of people who inject drugs at 1 per cent or lower. Our pharmacists can also provide educational information on drug use, injecting safely and offer recommendations for treatment services that are available to you.
At North Haven Pharmacy, we have an important role to play in helping prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. We believe gaining community understanding, support and acceptance will help further the capabilities of the NSP.
What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is an infectious liver virus that’s spread by coming into contact with contaminated blood. This may be caused by sharing needles or from unsterile tattoo equipment. Experiencing Hepatitis C symptoms is uncommon, however those that do develop symptoms may present with nausea, appetite loss, yellowing of the eyes and fatigue. When left untreated, Hepatitis C can result in liver damage and turn into a chronic life-long infection.
If you use needles, we encourage you to help minimise the risk of Hepatitis C transmission and come to our Camden Haven pharmacy. Our Fitpack needles program will supply you with clean hypodermic needles in exchange for your used syringes. We’ll safely dispose of your used needles in accordance with best practice.
For more information on Fitpack needles or to enquire about drug treatment services available in your area, call us at North Haven Pharmacy today.